How to download a file from a nomachine server
How to download a file from a nomachine server

how to download a file from a nomachine server

  • After a while, you'll be shown a few pages presenting the different functionality of NoMachine.
  • Fill in your CSC username and password.
  • Double click the icon of the connection you just configured.
  • If you need to use proxy, it can be done from main menu Settings -> Security tab.
  • In configuration tab the default settings are normally ok, including Use password authentication.
  • how to download a file from a nomachine server

    Open NoMachine and click "Add" at the top bar.Using directly from your local computerĭownload the NoMachine Enterprise client (not the Desktop) from here: Configuration Using MySQL client through batch job system

    how to download a file from a nomachine server

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    How to download a file from a nomachine server